Sunday, August 9, 2009

President promises candy rain, may be lying his ass off

So leftist Democrats finally figured out what it would take to bribe the Blue Dogs into betraying their constituencies and have gotten the health care bill out of committee in the House, setting up floor votes when Congress returns to session next month. In the mean time, the question of how the fuck we plan to pay for this counterproductive monstrosity remains largely unanswered, with President Obama still insisting that he will not do this in a way that will increase taxes on the middle class. This is, of course, ludicrous.

There are a few possibilities here. The first is that he's figured out how ridiculously bad this whole idea is and is open to a substantially scaled down version that will only waste a little bit of money and only make health care as a whole in this country a little bit worse than it is today. We can only hope...

The next possibility, and the most likely, is that Barry is just an outright liar with no intention whatsoever of leaving the middle class unscathed in the money grab required for this plan to destroy American health care. This plan is tremendously expensive, and someone has to pay for it. The political tactic here is likely to get people behind the plan under the false impression that they won't have to pay for it (a remarkably easy task if you can pull off the convincing them it's free part) and then change everything up at the last minute, raising taxes across the board to pay the bills and hope no one catches on to what has happened.

For the moment, however, let's take the president at his word. Let's assume that he really does intend to push through a bill that does all the things he says he wants the bill to do and that he really does intend to do it without increasing taxes on the poor and middle class. So how do we pay for it? Is the president's answer to everything really just going to be "Well, the rich can pay for it. They have the money."? Really? This is astonishingly short-sighted and simplistic for someone with such a reputation for brilliance and vision, and yet it really seems to be the only thing he can come up with to reconcile the insane statements he's made. Then again, he might just be lying.

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