Saturday, July 4, 2009

Brilliant Pseudo-Economist Starts Blog, Secretly Hopes to Become World-Wide Sensation

When I started grad school (approximately 2 months before I stopped grad school), a professor I'd known for a while took me aside and told me I needed to start thinking of my writing less like "M-A-S-T-U-R-B-A-T-I-O-N" (I'm still not sure why he spelled it out) and more like "consensual intercourse." If he'd talked to the girl I was dating at the time, he might have learned that this distinction meant nothing to me, but as it were, and unfortunately for you poor souls who will be reading this blog, I never did learn this lesson. As a result, the chief goal of this blog is, and will likely continue into the future to be , to stoke my own ego and hopefully help me to impress women. (That's what women are into, right? Guys without jobs who write self-indulgent econ blogs?) If you or, even more astonishingly, I happen to learn something along the way, that's a bonus.

On the subject of people learning things, however, let me take a few lines to explain what this blog will pretend to be after this initial post. This is my blog; so I'll be posting my views on things, but as you see at the top of the page, I am kind of a genius, and therefore, I know how stupid I am. I will be wrong on occasion, and there's no way for me to know when these occasions will occur; so let me know when that happens. That's why there is a comments section (at least until you piss me off, forcing me to disable comments in order to more fully control the thoughts of my readers). Not that I expect too many corrections at the moment, as I make it a point not to associate with people who question my wisdom, but if you guys don't call me out on occasion, you will have provided me nothing in return for all that I will have given you, and I may as well just be doing this by myself. (I know, we covered this at the beginning of this post, but remember we're talking about what the blog pretends to be now.)

At this point, there is only a core group of good friends of mine who are reading this blog, but my hope is at some point to have people who read for some reason other than that they're afraid I'll ask them what they thought of a post, forcing them to admit they don't refresh my blog 3 or 4 times an hour. If you bastards will do what is required of you as my friends, though, to obnoxiously plug my blog to everyone you know at every conceivable opportunity until people get so tired of it that they stop inviting you to happy hours, parties and Christmas dinner, I'm confident that my writing can keep them sated, infuriated or at least morbidly curious enough that they'll keep coming back and maybe even tell a few friends of their own. If we get a broad enough spectrum of readers/commenters, this may actual become fun, and I won't have to revert to copying and pasting my brilliant economic musings from one instant messenger window to another, waiting on someone to bite. Not to mention the ad revenues that will be streaming in once I am a world-wide sensation, allowing me to remain an unemployed economist indefinitely (or at least enough to feel like my loyal readers are buying me a Big Mac every six months or so).

So get on it, and I'll try to have a thoughtful and informative post about economics some time tomorrow.


  1. I will be in Florida, refreshing this on my blackberry, so I feel I should get a five to six hour grace period between interrogations. well done

  2. Does acknowledging your ego count as egoism?

  3. Could you possibly include Michael Jackson in your blog? I haven't seen enough about him in the past two weeks.

  4. Rachael, I will grant you this grace period only because I won't be able to confront you about it on a quarter-hourly basis.

    Mike, only if you are proud of your ego; so, yes.

    Brendan, I won't, but I can direct you to this guy, who did:

  5. I will not refresh your blawg 3 or 4 times an hour. But I will spend inordinate amounts of time checking facts and mocking inaccuracies. I hope to be the reason you are forced to disable your comments.

    Your friend,

    Brian "Blitz" Watkins
